Querying, Indexing, and Full-Text Search banner image

RU203 · Self paced

Querying, Indexing, and Full-Text Search

This course covers RediSearch, the in-memory query, index, and search engine for Redis.

 course image

What you’ll learn

This course teaches you how to query structured and unstructured data in Redis. Using the RediSearch module, you’ll learn:

  • How to query data in Redis with SQL-like flexibility
  • How to use boolean logic, full-text search, numeric ranges, geo radiuses, and more
  • How to create secondary indexes for your existing Redis data
  • How to build reporting and analytics queries using aggregations (COUNT, SUM, etc.)
Course Number
January 23, 2024
March 07, 2024

Software Requirements

  • Web Browser: Firefox 39.0+ or Chrome 43+
  • Operating System: Mac OS X 10.7+ 64-bit, Ubuntu 14.04+ 64-bit, or Windows 10
  • Software: Docker, or local install of Redis Stack
  • Access to youtube.com, university.redis.com and github.com
A photograph of Andrew Brookins
Instructor Andrew Brookins

Andrew Brookins was a Developer Advocate at Redis and is the author of The Temple of Django Database Performance. A senior developer with ten years of experience, Andrew has made big contributions to production software using Python, Ruby, JavaScript/ES6, Objective-C, and more.